Grow Your Business With Digital Marketing
How Digital Marketing Can Help Your Business Grow
Digital marketing has become a crucial part of any business strategy in 2018. No matter what industry you’re in or what your business model is, you can generate incredible value for your brand by implementing a good digital marketing strategy. Even if your company is not doing business online, the vast majority of your potential customer base is. That is why we put together a list of the seven best strategies to grow your business using digital marketing.
Become the talk of the town
Word of mouth is one of the most valuable marketing strategies. In fact, according to a study conducted by Invesp, 88% of consumers placed their highest trust in word-of-mouth brand recommendations. That being said, I have big news for you, a lot of word of mouth occurs digitally these days. People discuss things across the internet all the time. Because of this digital fat-chewing, even if most of your business is being done offline, it is still a great idea to build an online presence.
Be known for your excellent customer service
One value digital marketing brings to the table is a good customer service avenue. Social media interactions are a great way to establish an intimate, one-on-one relationship with your customers, regardless of your size or your business. In fact, according to a study by SocialMediaToday, 1 out of every 3 social media users prefer digital-based customer service to traditional telephone or email communication. The same study reveals that 67% of consumers now use social media to seek resolution for issues.
Target the right people at the right time
You have probably heard the age-old adage, strike while the iron is hot. This doesn’t just apply to blacksmithing, but digital marketing too. To get good ROIs, you can’t just place an ad, sit back, and hope for the best. Tailor your campaigns to a specific location, age group, and interest.
It is also smart to take advantage of a specific trend online. So, if you see something catching on, whether it’s a local event or a viral video, capitalize on it by creating ads or content that goes along with this momentum.
Create a recognizable brand
One of the things that make corporations so profitable is their instantly recognizable and trustworthy brand. Digital marketing is a great way to establish your brand and enhance your reputation. By customizing your own digital space through your website, social media, and other digital channels, customers will become more familiar with your brand identity, and what it stands for. Consistency is key here. As the lines between the online and offline world are becoming blurry, make sure that your brand identity is matching across all spaces.
Establish customer loyalty with content marketing
Any digital marketer will tell you that content is king. Keep your customers coming back with consistent and useful content. The trick is to keep your customers engaged and entertained by providing value that is cohesive with your brand. For example, a store that sells organic produce should create a blog post about healthy meals anyone can prepare in 15 minutes or less. This does three things:
- Provides value for your customers and generate social sharing
- Incentivizes them to buy those products from you
- Increase brand equity and loyalty.
Improve your online visibility
Search engine visibility is valuable for your business. If you can land on the first page of Google for a specific keyword search, it can significantly improve traffic to your business. A good way to accomplish this is by micro-targeting. For example, if your business is in Mississippi, do not try to target customers across the entire state. Instead, try to acquire customers who are searching for “furniture store in Jackson, Mississippi”. The specificity of this keyword search will make it much easier for your furniture store to rank high on Google. This will attract nearby customers to your website, and eventually to your brick and mortar location. You can rank on top of Google Search results either by:
- Bidding for certain keywords and paying for ads for a preferential spot. This method is called SEM (search engine marketing).
- Optimizing your website’s content around the keywords of your choice by publishing your own content. This method is called SEO (search engine optimization).
Gather and analyze your customer’s data
The more information you have on your customers, the better you can serve them. Digital marketing lets you gather data on your customers both directly, and indirectly. You can directly gather data by simply asking customers to participate in surveys, review your products, or answer questionnaires. If you are having trouble getting engagements, you can offer incentives. You can also gather indirect data by observing how many people visit your site, how long they stay, what they purchase, and how frequently they buy your products and/or services. This information will help you fine tune your marketing approach and help you better understand how to meet the needs of your customer base.
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